Muscari Blue Magic

Height:15 - 20 cm
Flowering period: April
Group: Muscari bulbs
Delivery time: August to November
Order Muscari bulbs Blue Magic
The Muscaribol Blue Magic is unique because the flower rises above its leaf. With its blue color it does well in the garden, but also in a pot. Plant the bulbs in a pot in well-drained soil and protect them against freezing in winter with straw, leaves or bubble wrap. The Blue Magic muscari bulbs are real naturalizing bulbs, that is to say, plant once and enjoy for years to come.
Muscari bulbs originate from the Mediterranean region, Turkey to the Caucasus. Muscari bulbs are known in the Netherlands under the collective name of grape hyacinths. However, not only the various shades of blue or blue-purple, but also white, sporadically yellow and even pink colors are encountered.
Always plant many bulbs in a group (minimum 25) for a better result. Muscari bulbs do well under deciduous shrubs, because the blue grapes bloom when the garden is still bare and the shrubs have no leaves yet. Most varieties are extremely hardy and grow so easily that they should be in every garden.
Muscari bulbs naturalize easily in a place where water cannot stand in the winter. For a nice colorful effect, the bulbs should be planted close to each other. Muscari bulbs in combination with late blooming yellow daffodils or red tulips are very beautiful.
Many Muscari varieties are perfect for pots.