Allium Summer Drummer

Height: 175 cm
Flowering period: June, July
Group: Alliums
Delivery time: August to November
Order allium bulbs Summer Drummer
Allium Summer Drummer is a very late, tall Allium with a decorative bud stage. The flower of the Summerdrummer Aliumbollen has a diameter of about 20 cm and is purple-red in colour. This Allium is suitable as a cut flower. The Summer Drummer is not suitable for planting in pots or containers.
Allium is a genus of plants in the garlic family ( Alliaceae ) with nearly 700 species worldwide. They are perennial bulbous plants, varying in height from 10 cm to over 200 cm.
The Allium bulbs are mainly found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with exceptions in Chile, Brazil and tropical Africa. Important culinary herbs such as onion, garlic, leek and chives are included in the genus. The strong onion smell is characteristic of the whole genus, but not all varieties are equally tasty. If you want to use the Allium as a cut flower, put it in very cold water, so the onion smell will disappear.
Most Allium bulbs flower in May and early June, just after the real spring bloomers and just before most summer bloomers. Allium is therefore an indispensable perennial that ensures that your garden or border is in constant bloom.
The best month to plant Summer Drummer Allium bulbs is November. Preferably, Allium bulbs are planted quite deeply (slightly deeper than the height of the bulb). Do not place the bulbs too close together. Like other flower bulbs, the Allium bulb does not like wet feet. Therefore, plant the Allium in well-drained soil in a place in the sun or partial shade. The Allium is a real naturalizing bulb, which means that you can plant it once and enjoy it for years to come.
The Allium bulb has many applications. They are very beautiful in the ornamental garden. Most low varieties grow well in the rock garden. Tall varieties look great among other plants at the back of the border. The flower of Alliumbollen can also be used as a cut flower. Some varieties are even suitable as dried flowers. You can also plant certain varieties in a pot. Protect them against frost by means of straw, bubble wrap or a thick layer of leaves.